VXVM FS resize

Friday, January 25, 2013 at 4:31 AM

# vxprint

/usr/sbin/vxprint -Qqhtg DG catiav510

/usr/sbin/vxprint -Ath | grep volume

/usr/sbin/vxprint -Qqhtg DG volume-01 => sv

/usr/sbin/vxprint -Qqhtg DG volume-L03 => sd

FS Extention:


/etc/vx/bin/vxresize [-bsx] [-F fstype] [-g diskgroup] [-t tasktag] volume new_length [medianame...]

/etc/vx/bin/vxresize -g [alloc=]

/etc/vx/bin/vxresize -g datadg volume +100m

/etc/vx/bin/vxresize -g DG volume +10g alloc="d25 d26 d66 d79"

/etc/vx/bin/vxresize -g DG1 volume1 +10g alloc="c3t0d21 c3t0d22 c3t0d23 c3t0d24 c3t0d25 c3t0d26 c3t0d27 c3t0d28"

find larger files command

Thursday, January 24, 2013 at 10:37 PM

Check larger files:

find . -xdev -size +10000000c -exec ls -l {} \; 

find . -xdev -type f -size +1024 -ls | awk '{print $11, $7}' | sort -rn +1 | awk '{print $1, $2/1024/1024 "MB"}'

Check core files:

find . -xdev -name core -exec ls -l {} \;

List and remove the modified file

find . -xdev -mtime +60 -exec ls -l {} \;

find . -xdev -mtime +60 -exec rm -rf {} \;

Check disk usage:

du -sk * |sort -n

du -kx .| sort -n 

du -sxk * | sort -nb | tail

du -sk * | sort -nb | tail 

du -sk *

du -sk ./* 

du -sk . 

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