To replace a failed disk in Veritas, please follow the below procedure.
1. Check the failed disk using the command 'vxdisk list'
2. Run the 'format' command to see ' if the disk is offline' or 'not responding to selection'.
3. Log a service call to hardware vendor.
4. Remove the failed disk from volume manager control using the below commands.
a. Run 'vxdiskadm' as root.
b. choose option 4: Remove a disk for replacement
c. Choose the logical name corresponding the disk that has failed ( for ex. data02)
5. Get the disk replaced by the vendor.
6. Make sure the disk appears fine in the format command(no need to do any partition).
7. Run 'vxdctl enable' to enable vxconfigd sense the replaced device
8. Run 'vxdiskadm' command again and follow the below steps.
a. Choose option:5 Replace a failed or removed disk.
b. Choose the disk that was removed in step 4b(for ex. data02).
c. Choose the device corresponding to the logical name(for ex. c1t10d0)
d. Say no to 'encapsulate' and choose okay to initialise the disk to replace the failed one.
e. Accept default (no - option) for FMR plex resync option
f. Once completed successful appeared on the prompt.Exit vxdiskadm
9. Check the disks are online by running 'vxdisk list'.
vxprint -ht
Moving hot-relocated subdisk back to disk
# vxdiskadm
Choose option 14
Move hot-relocated subdisks back to a disk
Menu: VolumeManager/Disk/UnrelocateDisk
Use this operation to move subdisks which were hot-relocated back
onto the original disk that has been replaced due to a disk failure.
This operation takes, as input, the original disk name. If the
failed drive was replaced with a disk using a different name, this
operation also provides an option to specify the new name.
Enter the original disk name [,list,q,?] list
Enter the original disk name [,list,q,?] datadg0211
Unrelocate to a new disk [y,n,q,?] (default: n)
Requested operation is to move all the subdisks which were hot-relocated
from datadg0211 back to datadg0211 of disk group datadg02.
Continue with operation? [y,n,q,?] (default: y)
Use -f option to unrelocate the subdisks if moving to the exact offset fails?
[y,n,q,?] (default: n)